Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weeks 22-23

I'm so sorry Baby Rivera #3!  I'll try harder to update this blog more.  It's hard to find time to sit down and "think" after running around after your two sisters all day.  You all make me so tired that all I want to do after Megan and Jessica are asleep is sleep myself!  (Don't believe me.....ask daddy!)

It's been a great two weeks though.  You are finally strong enough so that daddy can feel you through my belly!!!!!  He did so for the first time on November 14th - which was the day after my birthday! 

Our doctor's appointment this week also was great.  You are growing as you should, and all is well.  Mommy has not gotten sick, although yesterday and today I did have one of those killer headaches that I mentioned in earlier posts.  They are really no fun!  And, I'm back to liking popcorn!  YEAH! 

And, as you grow as you does mommy!  I'm getting bigger and bigger and it seems that I can tell DAILY! (see pic!)  I read somewhere this week that in the next four weeks, you will double in size (let's HOPE I don't do the same!)  I don't think that my back will be able to take it!

We are still not making too much progress on the baby name front, but there are a few possibilities that your daddy and I do seem to like.  Currently, on the top of my list are Abby and Brooke.  And, of course I love Nora, but I'm pretty sure that's out.  :(

This week is Thanksgiving, so we are traveling to your Ma and Pa's (Daddy's mommy and daddy) for Turkey Day. It's a long drive, but we love to spend holiday's with family.

Love you little baby!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Week 21

Can someone tell me what happened to October?!  It flew by!  I have also entered the second half of my pregnancy.  Wow....only 19 more weeks to go!!!  I can't believe how fast time is flying by.

Things are good too!  Always happy to report good news!  I'm feeling better, haven't been sick, and have even avoided the colds that my kiddos and hubby have been passing around.  (And yes....I have probably just jinxed myself!)

Baby Girl 3.0 is active and moving around all over!  I have even felt her on the outside, although David has yet to feel her.  She's the most aggressive at night or in the wee hours of the morning.  And, while they say the second trimester is the best....I'm already experiencing third trimester trying to get comfortable while sleeping, and lower back pain, but so far it's not that bad.

Running after Megan and Jessica while being pregnant has me exhausted, but I expect to be exhausted until this new baby turns 18.  It's all worth it when I get the kisses and hugs from my sweet babies. 

That's it for now.  No crazy cravings or wild happenings to report, so we'll see you next week....hopefully with some belly shots (yes, I know.....I really need to get on that.)