We all love you! Welcome to our family!
Baby GIRL Rivera 3.0
Here we go! Baby #3!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
11 days early!!!!!! WOW! Happy Birthday Miss Emily Alexis Rivera!!!! Born on March 5, 2012 at 10:35am. 7lbs and 14 oz, 21.5 inches long. You were my earliest baby, and my biggest and longest! Big sisters Jessica and Megan already adore you!!!!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Wrapping up Week 38!
I'm FULL TERM and getting ready to pop! :) We are down to weekly doctor appointments and had one today. If you remember a few weeks back, I mentioned that I had been very sick, with a terrible cough.....well, it seems that there is a possibility that I might have cracked a rib coughing so hard! Really!?!?!? Does that happen? Guess it also could have been one of my kids jumping on me, so who really knows, either way, it is unfortunate and painful, and really has no "cure". But, all is well with baby - still moving around a lot, although she's running out of room. And I know I'm getting close since even my maternity clothes are starting to get too small! :)
And that's it for bad news - so on to the GREAT news! I finally got my bump picture taken!!!! AND.....we have a name! Joining Megan Norene and Jessica Claire will be Emily Alexis! (Note: we still reserve the right to change it - especially if she comes out a boy!) ;p We are trying to get Megan to stop calling her 'Bob' and she's doing pretty good and says 'Emily' soooooo cute!!!! Although, once she tried to say 'Emily' and it came out 'Enemy', so I'll be working on that. :)
We are looking forward to meeting you Miss Emily Alexis!!!
37 weeks and 4 days |
I'm FULL TERM and getting ready to pop! :) We are down to weekly doctor appointments and had one today. If you remember a few weeks back, I mentioned that I had been very sick, with a terrible cough.....well, it seems that there is a possibility that I might have cracked a rib coughing so hard! Really!?!?!? Does that happen? Guess it also could have been one of my kids jumping on me, so who really knows, either way, it is unfortunate and painful, and really has no "cure". But, all is well with baby - still moving around a lot, although she's running out of room. And I know I'm getting close since even my maternity clothes are starting to get too small! :)
And that's it for bad news - so on to the GREAT news! I finally got my bump picture taken!!!! AND.....we have a name! Joining Megan Norene and Jessica Claire will be Emily Alexis! (Note: we still reserve the right to change it - especially if she comes out a boy!) ;p We are trying to get Megan to stop calling her 'Bob' and she's doing pretty good and says 'Emily' soooooo cute!!!! Although, once she tried to say 'Emily' and it came out 'Enemy', so I'll be working on that. :)
We are looking forward to meeting you Miss Emily Alexis!!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Weeks 34-37
Oh poor baby #3! I don't mean to neglect you....well, not you really, but your blog. It's just hard to find the time to come into the office and write stuff down. You might understand someday, but mommy just likes to eat and watch TV after I get your sisters to bed. :) Plus, you are a GREAT baby already! There just doesn't seem to be anything new to report. Oh wait...there is one thing.....you are giving me terrible indigestion/acid reflux!!!! It even wakes me up at night, so Tums are my new best friend.
I've been sick again (and so have your sisters), so I was on an antibiotic last week. You might not remember, but it was me keeping you up this time! I'm really surprised that you didn't decide to try to move your way out. And, of course, I'm glad you didn't since daddy was in Japan last week for work.
Mommy has had a few doctor appointments, and all is still good with you. My latest shows you starting to move on down (-2 station), but no effacement, and not even quite a cm dilation. But, this is all okay, since you have three weeks left to continue to mature.....and give mommy and daddy time to decide on a name. :)
And for the name....we are CLOSE! We have you tentatively named and are trying it out. Your sister Megan seems to like it, but she really wants to call you BOB. Don't worry.....we won't name you BOB, but she might call you that for a little bit. :)
I have also been driving around looking for a "bump" sign to have our picture done, but it's harder than I thought! Don't worry though, I think that my friend Caroline has one in her neighborhood, so we are heading there this week to get it done.....I promise!
I'll get that picture up, and your name, hopefully before you make your appearance!
I've been sick again (and so have your sisters), so I was on an antibiotic last week. You might not remember, but it was me keeping you up this time! I'm really surprised that you didn't decide to try to move your way out. And, of course, I'm glad you didn't since daddy was in Japan last week for work.
Mommy has had a few doctor appointments, and all is still good with you. My latest shows you starting to move on down (-2 station), but no effacement, and not even quite a cm dilation. But, this is all okay, since you have three weeks left to continue to mature.....and give mommy and daddy time to decide on a name. :)
And for the name....we are CLOSE! We have you tentatively named and are trying it out. Your sister Megan seems to like it, but she really wants to call you BOB. Don't worry.....we won't name you BOB, but she might call you that for a little bit. :)
I have also been driving around looking for a "bump" sign to have our picture done, but it's harder than I thought! Don't worry though, I think that my friend Caroline has one in her neighborhood, so we are heading there this week to get it done.....I promise!
I'll get that picture up, and your name, hopefully before you make your appearance!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Weeks 32 - 33
Time continues to fly! I need to get your 'bump' picture taken some time this week! I did one with both of your sisters right around this time, so I think it's only fitting that you have one too!
Not too much going on with you, which is good. Your sisters are keeping me very busy, so thank you for being such a good baby! Feel free, however, to let me sleep for more than four hours a night - don't worry, your time will come where I'll be up with you every two hours, so giving me some sleep now won't hurt.
We are off to the doctor again next week, and then we'll be going weekly!!! WOW! Once you get under that one month mark time really starts to fly - which doesn't even seem possible.
We also still haven't named you. Sorry. :( We'll get there, I promise!
Here are some pics of you (and your silly sisters!). They are excited to meet you, as am I!
Not too much going on with you, which is good. Your sisters are keeping me very busy, so thank you for being such a good baby! Feel free, however, to let me sleep for more than four hours a night - don't worry, your time will come where I'll be up with you every two hours, so giving me some sleep now won't hurt.
We are off to the doctor again next week, and then we'll be going weekly!!! WOW! Once you get under that one month mark time really starts to fly - which doesn't even seem possible.
We also still haven't named you. Sorry. :( We'll get there, I promise!
Here are some pics of you (and your silly sisters!). They are excited to meet you, as am I!
33 weeks! |
Silly Megan (your oldest sister) showing her belly too! |
Jessica likes to poke you through my belly button! |
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Week 31
52 days and counting! Our last appointment was uneventful, but that's okay with me! I did find out that baby is head down, which is good.
I'm beginning to think that you were standing straight up for a while! I have some severe back pain over the last two weeks, and it has seemed to get a little better. I can stand now for over an hour without being in extreme pain, as opposed to only 15 minutes. I'll take it!
I'm getting very excited (and very nervous) about your arrival. I hope that I'm able to give you all the love and attention you need AND deserve, while making sure that your sisters Megan and Jessica also get the attention that need (or demand!). This will be a wonderful learning experience for ALL of us.
I'll try to get a few more belly pics up. I haven't really been in a picture taking mood lately. There are so many things that your body goes through when you are pregnant. Someday, if being a mom is something you choose to do, you'll understand. I can't really write all the "yucky" stuff here - some things are just too personal. :)
And don't worry - we'll name you soon!
I'm beginning to think that you were standing straight up for a while! I have some severe back pain over the last two weeks, and it has seemed to get a little better. I can stand now for over an hour without being in extreme pain, as opposed to only 15 minutes. I'll take it!
I'm getting very excited (and very nervous) about your arrival. I hope that I'm able to give you all the love and attention you need AND deserve, while making sure that your sisters Megan and Jessica also get the attention that need (or demand!). This will be a wonderful learning experience for ALL of us.
I'll try to get a few more belly pics up. I haven't really been in a picture taking mood lately. There are so many things that your body goes through when you are pregnant. Someday, if being a mom is something you choose to do, you'll understand. I can't really write all the "yucky" stuff here - some things are just too personal. :)
And don't worry - we'll name you soon!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Week 30
30 weeks and 2 days! |
We had another doctor appointment this week, and all is well. You are measuring right on schedule, and moving around like a little gymnast. I would suspect that you're getting a little cramped and just trying to find a good comfy spot to settle down in to. Try to get your head down.....that's the most comfortable way!
You are definitely a mover and shaker, that's for sure. Your favorite time over the past few weeks is around 4am. I nice kick in a kidney wakes me up for a trip to the potty.....then you play around making it very difficult for me to get back to sleep. You also move around a lot around 8 or 9pm - although sometimes you do wait until I try to head to bed (which isn't much later these days!)
Here are some pics from this week! Enjoy!!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Weeks 26-29
Happy New Year, Baby Who Has Yet to be Named! We are in the home stretch - almost down to the two month mark! Wow, does time fly, or what?
Over the past few weeks, we were getting ready for, and celebrated the Christmas and New Year holidays. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of travel. We had a 12 hour car ride to Connecticut to visit with Ma and Pa, then a four hour car ride over to Binghamton, NY to stay with Gega, and a 12 hour ride home back to NC. Don't worry - you expressed your dislike for travel quite a bit. I guess being squished up for that long doesn't please you - and you expressed it well by all the kicks, jabs, and bladder squeezes. Nonetheless, we safely traveled for the holiday's and now we are back home preparing for your arrival.
While I had hoped to have you named by Christmas.....then New Year......both came and went with minimal discussion and no decision. Don't worry......plenty of time. :)
Before we all left for vacation, I had the glucose test, along with some other beginning of the third trimester tests, and all is well! YEAH! We have another doctor's appoint this week, then I think we start to go back every two weeks. I'm a little sad that there will not be another ultrasound. The ones that are done now you really get a good look, but I guess I should be thankful.....no ultrasound means you're doing A-okay!
I've been trying to prepare your sisters for your arrival - but I'm still not too sure they understand that the baby in mommy's belly will soon be OUT of the belly and home with them - and all their toys! Only time will tell how they will adjust. :)
Lots of love to you!
Over the past few weeks, we were getting ready for, and celebrated the Christmas and New Year holidays. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of travel. We had a 12 hour car ride to Connecticut to visit with Ma and Pa, then a four hour car ride over to Binghamton, NY to stay with Gega, and a 12 hour ride home back to NC. Don't worry - you expressed your dislike for travel quite a bit. I guess being squished up for that long doesn't please you - and you expressed it well by all the kicks, jabs, and bladder squeezes. Nonetheless, we safely traveled for the holiday's and now we are back home preparing for your arrival.
While I had hoped to have you named by Christmas.....then New Year......both came and went with minimal discussion and no decision. Don't worry......plenty of time. :)
Before we all left for vacation, I had the glucose test, along with some other beginning of the third trimester tests, and all is well! YEAH! We have another doctor's appoint this week, then I think we start to go back every two weeks. I'm a little sad that there will not be another ultrasound. The ones that are done now you really get a good look, but I guess I should be thankful.....no ultrasound means you're doing A-okay!
I've been trying to prepare your sisters for your arrival - but I'm still not too sure they understand that the baby in mommy's belly will soon be OUT of the belly and home with them - and all their toys! Only time will tell how they will adjust. :)
Lots of love to you!
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