Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Weeks 32 - 33

Time continues to fly!  I need to get your 'bump' picture taken some time this week!  I did one with both of your sisters right around this time, so I think it's only fitting that you have one too!

Not too much going on with you, which is good.  Your sisters are keeping me very busy, so thank you for being such a good baby!  Feel free, however, to let me sleep for more than four hours a night - don't worry, your time will come where I'll be up with you every two hours, so giving me some sleep now won't hurt.

We are off to the doctor again next week, and then we'll be going weekly!!!  WOW!  Once you get under that one month mark time really starts to fly - which doesn't even seem possible.

We also still haven't named you.  Sorry.  :(  We'll get there, I promise!

Here are some pics of you (and your silly sisters!).  They are excited to meet you, as am I!

33 weeks!

Silly Megan (your oldest sister) showing her belly too!

Jessica likes to poke you through my belly button!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that belly! Now hurry up and give this cute baby a name!!! Can't wait to meet you...my new little niece! :) xoxoxox love Aunt JoJo
